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Welcome to the home page of International Association of Fire Fighters Local 3249, a labor organization representing paid professional firefighters, emergency medical, rescue and other related service members. We encourage you to periodically review this site and its contents in order to remain current on all issues facing Camden County's First Responders, those charged with the duty to protect and serve the citizens of Camden County, New Jersey and beyond whenever fires or other emergencies occur and people need help.
Comments or Suggestions, Please Feel Free to E-Mail the Webmaster at: webmaster@iafflocal3249.org
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We’d like to remind everyone as the winter weather approaches that if you have a fire hydrant out front or near your home to keep it clear!
Fire grows rapidly, and searching for a hydrant could cost us valuable seconds.

Accidents and vehicles stuck in the snow can block fire, emergency medical service and rescue units from reaching emergency scenes

Please make every effort to stay off the roads during the snow
